- using R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14)
- using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
- R was compiled by
gcc-14 (Debian 14.2.0-3) 14.2.0
GNU Fortran (Debian 14.2.0-3) 14.2.0
- running under: Debian GNU/Linux trixie/sid
- using session charset: UTF-8
- checking for file ‘safetyGraphics/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
- this is package ‘safetyGraphics’ version ‘2.1.1’
- package encoding: UTF-8
- checking package namespace information ... OK
- checking package dependencies ... OK
- checking if this is a source package ... OK
- checking if there is a namespace ... OK
- checking for executable files ... OK
- checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
- checking for portable file names ... OK
- checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
- checking whether package ‘safetyGraphics’ can be installed ... OK
See the install log for details.
- checking package directory ... OK
- checking for future file timestamps ... OK
- checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
- checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
- checking top-level files ... OK
- checking for left-over files ... OK
- checking index information ... OK
- checking package subdirectories ... OK
- checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
- checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
- checking whether the package can be loaded ... [2s/3s] OK
- checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [2s/2s] OK
- checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... [2s/3s] OK
- checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... [2s/2s] OK
- checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... [2s/3s] OK
- checking loading without being on the library search path ... [2s/3s] OK
- checking use of S3 registration ... OK
- checking dependencies in R code ... OK
- checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
- checking replacement functions ... OK
- checking foreign function calls ... OK
- checking R code for possible problems ... [14s/19s] OK
- checking Rd files ... [1s/1s] NOTE
checkRd: (-1) app_startup.Rd:35: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) app_startup.Rd:36: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) app_startup.Rd:37: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) app_startup.Rd:38: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) app_startup.Rd:39: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:17: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup?
17 | \item{packages}{installed packages names containing yaml config files in the /inst/{packageLocation} folder}
| ^
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:26: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:27: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:28: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:29: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:30: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:31: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:32: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:33: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:34: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:35: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:36: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeChartConfig.Rd:37: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeMapping.Rd:21: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeMapping.Rd:22: Lost braces in \itemize; \value handles \item{}{} directly
checkRd: (-1) makeMeta.Rd:30: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup?
30 | \item Domain-level metadata saved as meta_{chart$name} in the chart$package namespace
| ^
checkRd: (-1) makeMeta.Rd:31: Lost braces; missing escapes or markup?
31 | \item Chart-specific metadata saved as meta_{chart$domain} in the chart$package namespace
| ^
- checking Rd metadata ... OK
- checking Rd line widths ... OK
- checking Rd cross-references ... OK
- checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
- checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
- checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
- checking Rd contents ... OK
- checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
- checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
- checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
- checking examples ... [3s/5s] OK
- checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
- checking tests ... [12s/15s] OK
Running ‘testthat.R’ [12s/14s]
- checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
- checking package vignettes ... OK
- checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [7s/20s] OK
- checking PDF version of manual ... [5s/8s] OK
- checking HTML version of manual ... [1s/2s] OK
- checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
Status: 1 NOTE